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5 B2B marketing hacks for SMEs

Marketing to a business can be different from marketing to a consumer. For one, when dealing with a business, they will give a lot of thought to the consideration and final decision stages. This is because of the impact the decision will have on the business, the employees, the business’ work process, and revenue streams. Another point is if the B2B client chooses you as their supplier, it may be for a long time. You will need to assist with installing the solution and giving customer support for the life of the product in the client’s business. With these two points in mind, you can see why having great B2B marketing hacks is important to be successful. Here are five marketing hacks to consider.

1. Design a mobile-friendly website

In today’s digital age, your business must have a website as this is your digital storefront. Make sure that it is mobile-friendly.

According to Google, 90% of B2B buyers who report a superior mobile experience are likely to buy again from the same vendor. Therefore making sure your website is mobile-friendly should be top of the list when it comes to creating a website. You can use a website grader to check how your website grades and then make the changes as needed.

One more aspect to concentrate on is the message you send your customer on the home page. What does your potential customer see? Do you highlight the benefits of your business or do you talk mainly about your company? From your homepage through the entire customer journey, you should make sure you are telling your customers about all the benefits of using you as their preferred supplier.

2. Speak at trade shows and events

B2B customers want to make sure that the company they choose to work with is a thought leader. You can establish yourself as a thought leader by speaking at trade shows and events and sharing your knowledge about your industry. Trade shows give you an opportunity to network with fellow industry people and potential new customers as well as help you to keep informed about the latest trends in your industry.

3. Deal with questions consistently

An FAQ (frequently asked questions) page is crucial to give quick, clear answers to regularly asked questions. On this page, you should have short, clear questions written so they are easy to glance through to increase the response time of employees and also for your customers to find the answer quickly. Secondly, ensure that the questions and answers share a similar brand voice throughout the different departments so that your customers are sure the message comes from your company.

4. Build a community

The benefits of creating a community are two-fold. Your customers will have a space to share their ideas and feedback. You will get to learn more about your customer and create a product or service which satisfy your customers’ needs. It’s important when building a community to make it engaging and valuable. There may be many community groups available but if you answer questions timeously, give them new ideas of how to do things, and give them inspiration on how to build their business then they will keep coming back to your community and tell their friends about you.

5. Focus on your choices

With the constant bombardment of information, it becomes easy to want to do everything but be careful. When you spread yourself too thin, you will become a jack of all trades and a master of none. Remain focused on what you do and if you have got it working like a well-oiled machine then you can consider bringing in new ideas. You need to be careful that you don’t waste your resources on whims which will never turn a profit

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