Have you wondered if there was a signal that you could see which indicated that your customer was ready to buy? Or have you ever talked your way out of the sale because you missed the buying signal? Being able to clearly identify a buying signal and acting upon it is the way to make more sales but it takes time and effort to notice them online and in one-on-one conversations. Here are seven key customer buying signals to look out for.
1. The customer requests a piece of gated information
When a customer gives you their name and email then you can assume that they have an interest in your offering. By asking good questions when they give you information for the gated information, you can design a marketing plan which can work the lead towards a potential sale.
2. The customer downloads a trial
When your customer downloads a trial, they are getting closer to buying from you. It is important that during the trial, you show your customer your best side. If you see that a trial hasn’t been used or activated after a few days, send an email asking the client if they would like some help activating their trial. You could also send out some advice emails when the customer has downloaded the trial to help them get the most out of your product.
3. The customer asks about the price
Many salespeople may consider when a customer asks for the price there may be an objection. But let’s reframe that price request. Maybe your customer is considering how your product or service might be able to fit in their budget. Give them the price and let them react to it. If they do object afterwards make sure you highlight the benefits of your offering.
4. The customer focuses on a benefit, feature, or product
When customers are keen to buy they will repeat a benefit, feature, or product that interests them. They have now highlighted to you a specific pain point they have and which part of your business can help them with it. It is important to unpack this idea and see what the true intentions of your customer are.
5. The customer gives you positive body language
A lot of non-verbal body language happens when someone speaks and it is important to hone in on these subtle clues. If your customer is nodding and making eye contact with you, then they are truly interested in what you are offering and you should move to close by asking the customer for the business.
6. The customer opens a link on your email
Through analytics, you can see if a customer clicks on a link in your email and furthermore you can see how long they spent on a page and if they clicked on other pages on your website. We know that many people do internet research before they speak to a salesperson. If they spend time on your pricing and product page, these are good signals that your customer has an intention to buy and you should contact them with a message to move them further down the buying channel.
7. The customer answers your email
You are excited because you got a reply to an email from your customer but don’t count your chickens before they have hatched. You need to consider how quickly a customer answered your email and the quality of the reply. If it was quick but there is low-quality information or the customer is vague, then you may have lost the sale or moved too quickly with the sale process. If the reply is quick and you get high-quality information from your customer then you are well on your way to making a successful sale.
By looking out for these buying signals you will hone your marketing and sales skills to make more successful sales.
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