As more and more businesses go online, the customer’s digital experience becomes more important. Especially with the younger generation where digital and physical realities often merge into one experience. But what steps can you take to make your digital customer experience seamless? Let’s take a look at the seven steps for a digital customer experience.
STEP 1: Know your customer
This is the foundation for any business. You need to have an intimate knowledge of who your customer is. What are their pain points and how do you relieve those with your product? You also need to know where they are present online, so you don’t waste your time on platforms where your customers aren’t at.
STEP 2: Create a seamless image
If your customers deal with you offline or online, they need to know that it is you they are talking to. You need to ensure the imagery you use offline is the same online. You also need to ensure the voice (the words and tone) you use is the same no matter which touch point your customer uses.
STEP 3: Integrate your systems
When people use digital platforms, they want to be able to move between different channels smoothly without losing a sense of cohesion between the different channels. You need to make sure that the links between different platforms move smoothly and easily.
Another aspect to consider is your customer’s journey and the various touchpoints they have with your product and ensure that the journey they take to a sale is efficient and effortless.
STEP 4: Upskill your staff
With technology advancing every day and platforms changing constantly, you should ensure your staff are on top of their technical game. Ensure they have the skills needed to create an excellent digital experience and let them study methods to improve these skills.
STEP 5: Be personal
With social media, learning information about your client is easy. Most customers expect you to personalise their experience and speak to their pain points. Therefore, it is important to create personalized content which will speak directly to your client.
The other side of the coin is being invasive. You need to ensure when you create personal content, it doesn’t come across as scary. You need to only use publicly available information.
STEP 6: Make giving feedback easy
As a business, your sole goal is to ensure that your product solves an urgent and present need that your customer has. If you aren’t solving a problem, then your product will soon become obsolete. Do you know if you are solving your customer’s problem? If you say yes and have never received feedback from your customer, then you probably going on assumptions. By giving customers easy methods to give feedback through a star rating system or a feedback quiz, you can easily find out if you truly are solving the problem or if you need to pivot to do it better.
STEP 7: Track your progress
By using analytics, you can see if you are achieving the goals that you have for your business. Another benefit of tracking analytics for your business is that you can see where potential problems may occur and create a plan to deal with them before they become too big.
By following these seven steps, you will be well on your way to creating a digital experience your customers will enjoy.
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