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NSBC Member Success Story

Garona Communications and Projects – building communities through upskilling

Presley Mokotedi is the owner and managing director of Garona Communications and Projects. This company provides a complete solution in the areas of exhibition displays, large format printing, design and branding services.

Presley’s ambition to own his own business was nurtured by helping out in the family business. He started his career working for a Johannesburg-based exhibition infrastructure service provider and with this knowledge, he started Garona Communications and Projects 13 years ago and over time he has built the company from the ground up.

Inspired Leadership – developing better leaders

Angela de Longchamps is the founder and CEO of Inspired Leadership. She is a corporate ex-pat, and Inspired Leadership solves some of the problems and frustrations she faced whilst sitting in the chair as a Human Resource Director.

Inspired Leadership provides an integrated and digitized leadership development journey that takes the best of all forms of learning and blends them. High touch and high tech. The channel partner model enables existing consultants, coaches and facilitators to leverage the design, the platform and the methodology with their clients, scale their impact and digitize their offering.

50plus-skills: technology & longevity changing the way we navigate the future

Lynda Smith is the CEO for 50plus-skills, a community platform for anyone over 50 to learn, serve and earn in South Africa.

With the advancement of technology and many people living longer lives, the way we navigate our future is changing. With this in mind, Lynda started 50plus-skills because she loves to help people reach their potential and saw a gap in the market for the 50+ generation. She loves to hear the fabulous stories of people at crossroads who have overcome their challenges and have moved forward to feel valued and adding value to their family and society.

How Hotpod Yoga has reinvented an age-old practice

Article provided by PayFast

For centuries yoga has been revered around the world for its mind, body, health and, some would even say, spiritual benefits. Those who practice the Eastern-inspired stretching techniques swear to its holistic benefits and are dedicated to making sure that they allocate a certain amount of time every week to the meditative practice to unwind and relax. While there are countless yoga movements around the world, one reinventive yoga type that has made a name for itself over the last few years is Hotpod Yoga.  

Truzo: a small business success story

Article provided by Truzo

Truzo is a 2019 NSBC South African Small Business Award winner and we got together with Terence Naidu to learn more about what makes Truzo a success.

What is Truzo?

Truzo is a digital escrow platform which is  designed to create trust between strangers when buying or selling goods or services online or offline. Since 2017, they have helped buyers get what they paid for and sellers or service providers get paid on delivery. They help to grow the economy across the African continent with safe and secure transactions while limiting scams and corruption. They believe that by providing a safe, secure, simple and cost-effective platform to buy and sell goods and services on, they can ensure nobody gets scammed. Their goal is to encourage people to do more business which helps grow the economy which in turn helps to reduce the unemployment rate.

NSBC Member Success Story – Maledifresh

As a food scientist, Gloria Ramahlodi has always worked for fresh produce companies and developed a love for farming and fresh produce. She has a BSc Degree in Food Science and has more than fifteen years’ experience in the food industry. Motivated by wanting to teach the community about healthy eating, and to encourage customers to eat 100% organic, especially those whose immune systems are compromised, Maledifresh was born in 2010.

DynaFoam Converters – meeting all your foam needs

Article provided by DynaFoam

DynaFoam Converters. The company that offers and delivers quality pressed foam components that meet the required specifications for South African and global markets.

In 2012, Steven Riley took the prior knowledge of the industry he had been involved in and saw some opportunities in the market. Using passion and two home loans he opened his business, DynaFoam Converters. Steven was motivated by recognition for a good product, service and price.

As far as marketing tools go, the company uses Google Analytics, a website plus a little social media to promote the brand. The website is well designed with clean lines and muted tones. It is easy to navigate and simple to understand. Given more resources, the company would want more access to connectivity and see an increase in digital transformation. Being ever mindful of their environment, the company wants an improvement of waste management through the use of more environmentally friendly materials. Steven believes people wanting to start their own business should have passion and perseverance to create success.

NSBC Member Success Story – ProfitShare Partners

The NSBC approached Profitshare Partners to learn more about how they approached entrepreneurship and becoming a successful small business. Today we will feature ProfitShare Partners.

ProfitShare Partners is a FinTech company that provides disruptive capital solutions and transaction support to SMEs who have no access to finance, no security, financials or track record but have a contract or purchase order with a reputable company or government department.

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