In order for a small business to be truly successful they need to be on top of their finances, tax, HR, payroll and in-line with legislation. In most cases, however, entrepreneurs tend to be experts in their own fields but lacking in these fundamental areas. Where larger businesses have entire departments devoted to strategic planning, legislative compliance and financial analysis, small businesses lack this access and these invaluable resources. This week we celebrate a small business – Ariston Global – who is playing a pivotal role in the success of many SMMEs by bridging this gap.
Ariston Global, was started in 2007, by Reginald Pillay (Managing Director) and focused on accounting and advisory services. In 2014, they joined forces with Suran Moodley (Managing Director – Strategy) who had substantial expertise in HR and recruitment. Together they spotted this gap in the market, and with Moodley’s additional expertise they were able to strategize to offer a comprehensive ‘one-stop-shop offering’ for SMMEs, now also including HR and advisory services.
This, together with the strong belief in providing quality, value adding services, trusted advice and partnering with their clients in the pursuit of success, allowed them to grow at an unprecedented rate. Before the merger, Ariston Global enjoyed a steady growth of 30% to 40%, from 2007 to 2013. But afterwards their growth rate rose in excess of 250%.
When Pillay is asked what keeps him going, he immediately points to their clients. Ariston Global thrives off seeing how their strategies and efforts put their clients in a place where they grow and succeed. He is always reminded of the fact that ‘As they grow, we grow …’, an attitude that is infused throughout the whole organisation.
Like any business, Ariston Global has had to deal with challenges but their spirit and determination keep them moving forward and aiming for even greater heights as they pursue the dream of becoming an international brand.
Moodley advises all those starting out to pay special attention to their strategy, to choose their partners wisely and to take action and do it. He explains that, ‘One of the greatest challenges is to overcome your own personal fears and paralysis.’ Pillay echoes that sentiment when stating, ‘Failure is almost guaranteed, but it is not a stopping point – rather it is a stepping point: just keep moving forward.’ He goes further to quote Andre Gide: ‘Man cannot discover new oceans unless he has the courage to lose sight of the shore.’1
With this attitude and drive Ariston Global has grown to a point where they now employ 20 staff members and have offices in Johannesburg, Durban, Cape Town and Gaborone. In 2015 they we also crowned the National Small Business Champions at the South African Small Business Awards – brought to you by the National Small Business Chamber (NSBC).
Pillay believes that: ‘Success is defined by being able to see the positive difference you have made in the lives of the people around you and the community at large. By being able to build a legacy for the next generation to follow.’ 1
In supporting small business you too have that power. Remember to #ShopSmallBiz – your support enables small businesses to grow and create more jobs within your community.
For more on Ariston Global visit:
Small Business Friday is brought to you by the National Small Business Chamber (NSBC) and Nedbank (Title Sponsor) and encourages all South Africans to interact and support small business everyday; especially every Friday and even more so on Small Business Friday, the first Friday of Spring every year. This grows local communities, drives job creation and ultimately builds the nation. With your support small business will be able to employ more, therefore reducing rates of unemployment and harvesting the entrepreneurial spirit.
For more on Small Business Friday visit:
1. Fin24 – Accounting for success; Available: