Meet the Absa Small Business Friday featured Small Business of the week – DialogueSA.
As people and change specialists, DialogueSA transforms people dynamics and creates vibrant, healthy organisations by activating potent leadership. They encourage leaders to optimise their culture for their strategic outcomes, teaching coaching skills, mindset and change models, and partnering with them in practices for impact.
For 22 years, they have operated as an agile, creative support solution to large, medium, and small organisations. Their capacity to integrate bespoke, leading-edge future fitness into large-scale organisations has earned them a dynamic reputation and most of their clients return to them for the influence they have on leaders and across the leader’s teams.
They are award winning for their impact and energy. They function as genuine partners and are known for their adaptive, insightful responsiveness and their ability to bring deep people and change experiences regardless of the level of disruption and uncertainty. They are regularly credited with changing lives, creating vital shifts, and making the seemingly impossible possible.
For Amanda Holt, being an entrepreneur takes tenacity, endless time, and weekly upskilling and research to stay on top of her game. It demands creative angles to approach every block she comes up against and imaginative ways to unwind (‘15-minute holidays’) and find her calm amid high pressure. It has pulled her into herself to be a better version of herself – someone with vision, courage, and self-belief.
Being a small company, one of the challenges is the ebb and flow of work and finances. They have had to really learn how to rise above this, to keep to their strategic vision, and manage the slow and busy times differently. Finding new ways to deliver and remaining firm in their belief of the good that they do and the ripple of change they create, has not always been easy.
Connect, collaborate, create – these are concepts that are enormously juicy for Amanda Holt and inspire her both in her home life and at work.
Amanda sees DialogueSA as continuing to forge strongly ahead, as they reach more and more people, inspiring them to better ways of thinking, acting, and delivering change so that everyone can create a better future.
DialogueSA believes that ethical organisations, led by astute, people-centric, and forward-looking leaders, can be the catalyst for creating social justice and sustainable earth-care and people-care. There is another way – one that puts empowering practices at the centre while still being productive and profitable (if you are a profit-generating organisation). They plan to fully contribute to this other way and to support people in calmly leading in ever-increasing disruption. This will be through even deeper interest and investment in our coaching, our Rebel Leaders philosophy and skillset, and Design Thinking products.
DialogueSA was chosen to receive a Top 20 Award and the National Leadership Excellence Award for 2022 at the South African Small Business Awards.
Absa is a proud Platinum Partner of the NSBC.