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How to boost entrepreneurial confidence

Having confidence is essential for becoming a successful entrepreneur. But is it something you were born with or something which can be learnt? We believe that confidence can be built up. Here are seven steps to help boost your entrepreneurial confidence.

STEP 1: Hone your skills

It is important to work on skills. Ensure that you keep up to date on the latest in your field and work on improving your skills every chance you get. This will help build your confidence when you speak about what you can do.

STEP 2: Find a mentor

A mentor is important especially if you are alone in your business. You will be able to bounce off ideas with them and they will be able to tell you where you need to develop to become the best you can be,

STEP 3: Celebrate the small successes

We often forget the steps taken to achieve a big goal but sometimes when we are pursuing the big goal we need to celebrate the small victories on the way. By celebrating them, we will build momentum in our confidence and will be eager to face more challenges.

STEP 4: Get out of your comfort zone

Yes, you may have confidence doing things you know about but what happens when you are hit with a curveball? Do you flap like a duck being startled? It is important to get out of your comfort zone from time to time. This will show you that you can deal with change and may show you some skills you have that you never knew you had.

STEP 5: Speak kindly to yourself

The first person to break your confidence down is usually the voice in your head but you can change it. Watch the words you use to speak about your business and about you in the business. If you speak negatively, it will begin to manifest negatively in your life but if you speak positively, you will be able to see positive things start to happen. You are in control of what you say about yourself and your business to yourself.

STEP 6: Learn from mistakes

Everyone makes mistakes but what you do with the mistake is important. Do you learn from it and move on? Or do you dwell on it and reprimand yourself for being an idiot? The second way will not see any progress and will break down your confidence. You should rather take the lesson and move on.

STEP 7: Get a support group

Sometimes it is hard to build your confidence on your own. Get a group that is supportive and will help you in your pursuit of your entrepreneurial dream.

By following these seven steps you will be well on your way to boosting your entrepreneurial confidence.

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