Article provided by Matrix Marketing
Episode 1 – Growing Your Business
My wife is an avid disciple of the Australian MasterChef series. For around 12 weeks of each year, she sits glued to the visions of culinary masterpieces filling our screens. (The next tech revolution will be to bring you the smell and taste sensations directly to your living room as well) My enduring take-away from this spectacle is her exhortation that I should really spend more time in the kitchen.
What little I do remember of cooking was watching my Mom in the kitchen following recipes handed down in a traditional manner from her mother. Each ‘production script’ was split into bite-sized chunks of ingredients and method. My favourite was Grandma’s Chocolate Hot Milk Sponge Cake which my mother was able to turn out flawlessly time and again for special events and sometimes just because she loved me. The ‘proof of the pudding’ may be in the ‘eating’ but what was abundantly clear was that to produce a great result required both meticulous planning regarding ingredients and even more fussy execution of the method.
Mom’s recipe book was filled with scrupulous notes from both her and her mother’s labours in the kitchen. Through trial, error, and success each method was tested, checked, sometimes altered and the results then recorded. 1st-year chemistry lab was a breeze as the scientific method was already ingrained. At the end of all two things were learned.
- Theory + Practice = Perfect
- Theory must be tried and tested.
So what does this have to do with business, sales and importantly lead generation? The common wisdom is if the recipe works why change it?
The reality is that we are living in a disruptive world. Tastes and needs are changing rapidly and as today’s buyers are exposed to more ideas, faster than before, so we need to adapt to the change. After all, who wants chocolate cake when red velvet is all the rage.
To succeed in today’s challenging and competitive sales ‘bake-off’, we need to keep things simple, focused and relevant to the buyer. The ingredients for success have remained much the same.

Sales methodology is evolving. Rapidly! Current experts such as Jeff Thull (Mastering the Complex Sale) and Mark Keating (SalesGuru) demonstrate that we must test the methods we want to embrace and determine their importance and effectiveness by the results that are achieved. Following old formulas may make you irrelevant. If you can’t take the heat, get out of the kitchen.
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