Meet the Absa Small Business Friday featured Small Business of the week – Neslo Technologies.
Neslo started in 2019 when a young Jordan Olsen decided to follow his vision and kick fear to the kerb. With eight years of technical knowledge in software engineering, he created a business which offered a diverse collection of services from concept to creation through carefully crafted and intuitive design, and leading-edge technologies.
Jordan started Neslo at 23 and faced age-related bias from potential clients and industry peers. To overcome this challenge he focused on delivering exceptional results for early clients, regardless of the project size. Demonstrating a high level of professionalism and technical competence helped build trust. Jordan also actively sought out opportunities to form strategic partnerships with industry veterans and experts. These partnerships not only provided access to larger networks but also lent credibility to Neslo. Finally, he ensured he and his team were continuously improving themselves on the testimonials and feedback they got from clients.
Through persistence and patience, Neslo Technologies was undeterred by initial setbacks or rejections as they kept their eye on their long-term vision. With this attitude, they have a track record and reputation which speaks for itself and they continue to grow and thrive in a competitive market.
Neslo Technologies recognised the lack of talent in their industry and created an internship programme which enables individuals to become unrivalled technical talents. They are devoted to nurturing local talent and contributing to the growth of technical expertise within South Africa, thereby making a positive impact on their community and addressing the skills gap.
Starting Neslo at 23 was a bold move, and Jordan Olsen’s ability to form partnerships, lead a skilled team, and contribute positively to the industry, all while maintaining financial prudence, is a testament to his entrepreneurial spirit and dedication to his mission.
In the future, Neslo Technologies aims to expand into the global market and become a recognized name in the industry for providing the brightest and most imaginative talent. Furthermore, they want to continue to create a vibrant working environment which nurtures and develops talent in their organization, so creativity and innovation can thrive. Finally, they want to continue diversifying their offering to meet the evolving needs of their clients. This includes exploring new areas of technology and design, staying at the forefront of industry trends, and adapting to emerging challenges.
Neslo Technologies was chosen to receive a Top 10 Award and a National Business Excellence Award at the South African Small Business Awards 2023.