In this interview we find out more about Wayden Barnes and Yeshika Peruman (Owners / Directors of Pinnacle Consulting), their business journey and why they believe South Africa should support small business.
According to Barnes and Peruman Pinnacle Consulting is a compliance-driven consultancy offering services specialising in transformation. Their services include Broad-Based Black Economic Empowerment (B-BBEE), Employment Equity and Skills Development advisory and consulting.
They go on to explain that they assist organisations in South Africa to comprehensively understand Transformation and Compliance and how the correct implementation thereof can create value for the organisation and its employees.
Barnes and Peruman believe that they understand that their clients look to them for guidance, thus making it their core focus to provide each client with the best possible customer-centric experience by supporting each client on their journey to compliance, economic inclusion, and transformation.
They aim to directly contribute to addressing the major economic issues in our country such as youth unemployment and lack of skills training.
Why did you start your business?
Pinnacle Consulting was born from the passion we both share to uplift and change the lives of others by driving compliance to Employment laws and B-BBEE participation achieving Diversity, Economic inclusion, and Transformation.
We believe we can achieve realistic and sustainable transformation by applying the principles of the B-BBBE Act, Employment Equity Act, Skills Development Act and the Skills Development Levies Act.
Our passion is to assist organisations understand these pieces of legislature and how complying to these laws can create value within an organisation – ultimately changing the perception of our clients from Transformation as a compliance issue to making compliance work for you, hence our slogan HR Compliance at work! Let us help you make your compliance work for you!
What do you love the most about running your business?
The most rewarding part of running our own business is knowing in some small way we are making a difference in someone’s life by aiding them with an educational or developmental initiative. We understand the value and the importance of education and thus we use this to enable an individual to change their current circumstances and create a better life for themselves and their families.
What is one of the biggest lessons you have learnt on your business journey?
The biggest lessons we have learnt on our business journey link to consistency, determination, sacrifice and hard work. These are what kept us going and will keep us going at it. Starting a business from the ground up and gaining the trust of prospective clients is extremely challenging when you are a new business as you have a reputation to build.
With our consistency and determination, we are slowly crafting our name within the transformation space. We might be a new business, but we are here to stay and to engrave our name in the industry.
What is your why? Why do you do what you do and what do you focus on to help you persevere and get through tough times?
We both come from humble beginnings, and we know what it is like not to have access to opportunities. Therefore the reason we do what we do is to avail opportunities for the youth across our country. Utilising the B-BBEE and Skills Development opportunities to provide educational and workplace initiatives for the youth so that we can change the trajectory of their lives.
Our focus is to provide a service that leaves our clients feeling confident in their compliance status, benefiting from B-BBEE participation, while making a difference to the major issues we face in South Africa today.

Why should South Africa support small businesses now and beyond?
Our high unemployment rate is why South Africa should support small business. Small businesses contribute immensely towards job creation. If we can support more small businesses, they can employ more people and ultimately alleviate the high unemployment rate.
We cannot wait to employ our first Pinnacle employee – this is a huge milestone for us which we plan to achieve in the next 12 months.
How has being an NSBC Member helped your business?
The National Small Business Chamber (NSBC) is playing a definitive role on our entrepreneurial journey. By being an NSBC member we have been able to maximise on opportunities, gain more exposure and network with many other entrepreneurs (which has created awareness around our business/brand during the breakfast connect sessions). As a member we have also been able to access the Build a Business Academy, which has provided us with ample resources to help build our business. As a small business, The NSBC has kept us putting one foot in front of the other.
Pinnacle Consulting is a proud Member of the NSBC.

This Small Business Friday feature is proudly sponsored by Absa.