Article provided by Medshield
If you live on your own and have no dependants, it may be more affordable to buy medication and visit your local GP without a medical aid. However, this is only the case if you are generally healthy and do not need regular examinations or medicine. With a family of four, one trip to the hospital can bankrupt you are not a member of a medical scheme.
There is more than one way to cut medical costs. Thus, simply joining a scheme and having a medical aid and hospital plan is the key to saving on healthcare related expenses. Here are a few tips to save money:
Compare different schemes
One way to save is to compare different schemes. Find the one with the lowest rate but best benefits. If you already have medical aid, you might not feel this is important. However, it is never too late to switch sides. The sooner you decide to find a different one, the sooner you will be able to enjoy the benefit of paying less. View the range of benefit plans and call for quotes. You will be surprised at the affordable rates and superb benefits available.
Join as a family
It is better to put all your dependants on a single plan. If each person has a separate plan, prices skyrocket. This can render membership of a medical aid unaffordable. Usually, medical aid plans have specific rates for families, making it worthwhile to join as a family, rather than everyone individually.
Use the designated service providers (DSP)
All medical aid plans have designated service providers – the healthcare providers they choose to use. However, some options restrict you to the DSPs of a particular scheme. These options are generally cheaper than opting for a medical aid that gives you the freedom to choose. Before joining, make sure that the desired medical scheme and plan has healthcare providers on their network that is convenient for you to visit.
Use the benefits provided
Many people forget they have daily benefits and never use them. If you are paying for something, do not let it go to waste. Make sure you go for check-ups, even if you are generally healthy. Also, remember not to exceed the benefit plan limit for medicine unless necessary.
Opt for a hospital plan
If you do not require frequent doctor’s visits or daily medication, hospital plans are cheaper than comprehensive benefit plans. Hospital plans are mostly for emergencies and do not cover day-to-day medical costs. If you are injured in a vehicle accident, you will want the assurance that the ambulance will take you to the best possible medical facility, but it is only possible if you are a member of a medical aid and have a hospital plan benefit.
Saving on medical costs thus starts with choosing the best scheme and relevant benefit plan.