In the newly released policy resolutions released just ahead of the Federal Congress, the DA has not only included its backing and plans for change in the small business sector but also an initiative championed by the National Small Business Chamber, namely, the Prompt Payment Code.
“Small businesses are frequently subjected to discriminatory practices by legislators, municipalities and law enforcement agencies who prevent them from trading or change the environment into an unfriendly business environment. The DA believes that the right to trade is a fundamental one and should guide legislators’ and relevant authorities’ thinking when drafting regulatory measures.
The resolutions on small business include introducing an overtly pro-small business policy approach which removes blockages and red-tape, implementing a Tax Amnesty for small businesses, calling on government and big business to honour their commitments to pay suppliers within 30 days, and declaring support for the Prompt Payment Code, a voluntary code of good practice initiated by the National Small Business Chamber (NSBC).” – Mmusi Maimane