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Today we celebrate the small business community

‘Small Business Friday – the 1st Friday of Spring every year is when we salute and celebrate the mainstay of our economy – small businesses throughout the nation, placing that extra emphasis on mobilising the nation to go big by supporting the SMALL’ says Mike Anderson: National Small Business Chamber (NSBC) Founder & CEO.

A successful business owner is more often than not a result of sheer resilience, someone bouncing back after failure/s – Just kept moving and never gave up.

The NSBC salutes, celebrates and continues to fuel the future of small business and the mercurial entrepreneurs and families who are at the helm of these businesses. Join us in our quest to mobilise the nation today so we can bring real meaning to the #SmallBizFriday movement and bring about the continued preference and commitment by all to support the SMALL.

‘The advantages of supporting small businesses lie not only in making an impact on the economy, but also the positive difference it can make in uplifting local communities. Locally owned businesses help shape strong communities by keeping vital spend within small towns and cities, leading to vibrant local economies that benefit all who live there,’ says Anderson. ‘There are plenty of advantages for consumers too, very often small businesses care deeply about the kind of customer service they deliver; knowing that quality products and personalised service is what keeps their business thriving.’

But it’s much more than just one day. Through a sustained nationwide movement we want to bring about permanent change in the hearts of all South Africans. We want to encourage everyone in our country to vote for small business all day every day throughout the year. So when you all go out to shop, please make that all-important choice, support your local independent small businesses.

By supporting a small business, you’re also supporting the local community. Spending your money there helps to stimulate the local economy and keep business booming within your local region. These smaller-sized businesses help to create and sustain jobs as well as keep the area vibrant and buzzing with shoppers and tourists.

There’s no question that the job market is tight these days, and by shopping small, you are keeping a business open and giving people jobs within it so that you can help the local economy in more ways than one. So think about that next time you debate between one option at a local shop versus one that is slightly cheaper at a big box store. Think about the people that you help employ.

Making a small change to where we spend our money can have a huge impact on small businesses and ultimately our community in the long run. What small change can you make available today and every day to support your local small businesses? What can you do this #SmallBizFriday to support this all-important and powerful movement that ultimately benefits you as a business owner?

1. Think differently. Build the habit of supporting small businesses
2. Act today by changing where you make your purchases
3. Spread the word amongst friends, family and colleagues

What you need to do today:

FLY THE FLAG – Show you are a true supporter of small business

If you love small business and want to see our country flourish post this image on social media (including #SmallBizFriday) to declare loud and proud that you support local small business. Then go out and do just that and share a pic while you are at it. 

Download other versions of this image here.

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