Looking for a new business podcast to listen to? Struggling to remain motivated and need a little inspiration? Here are ten podcasts to help SME owners to be inspired, understand money, and make plans to chase their audacious dreams.
The Healthy Business Show
This podcast is hosted by Discovery. You will gain insights and inspiration from experts on what it takes to start, grow, and prosper in business. If you are a fledgling business owner, these podcasts will help you build a good foundation for a prosperous business.
The Mashstartup Podcast
Mashudu Modau is an entrepreneur, creator and ecosystem specialist who is building the future from Africa. In his podcast, he explores the real journeys of Africa’s emerging entrepreneurs and creators. He connects people and creates a platform to help African entrepreneurs to grow.
The Money Show
In this podcast, Bruce Whitefield shares the best of the day’s business news and insights in a way which makes money matters accessible to a broad audience. This South African podcast helps SME owners to remain abreast of the latest insights in business.
Business Unusual
This podcast is brain food for business. Having discussions with some of the top talent in South Africa to discuss best practices around key strategies which include empowerment, sustainability, innovation, financial performance, management, and governance.
TED Business
Every Monday, Module Akinola of Columbia Business School, the host of TED business, presents the most powerful and surprising ideas that illuminate the business world. After the talk, you get a mini lesson on how to apply the talk to your situation because business evolves every day and our ideas about business should too.
How I built this
Ever wondered how popular entrepreneurs or big brands got their break? The podcast, How I built this, should be on your list. There are many series about different brands and how they reached success.
Lee Rael is a designer and entrepreneur. This podcast focuses on shaping the world through social entrepreneurship, sustainability, and design. He has genuine conversations with creatives, entrepreneurs, and environmental pioneers. Through these conversations, he hopes to inspire and educate others with a little bit of entertainment thrown in. SME owners in the creative and environmental space will enjoy these authentic conversations.
The Goal Digger podcast
This podcast is hosted by Jenna Kutcher who is obsessed with business, markets, and numbers. This workshop-style podcast helps people to redefine success and chase after their audacious dreams. With experts, you can train on how to dig in, do the work and tackle your largest goals along the way. SMEs looking to grow should listen to this podcast.
GaryVee audio experience
Gary Vaynerchuk is a serial entrepreneur. This podcast is a mixture of #AskGaryVee show episodes, keynote speeches on marketing and business, segments from Gary’s DAILYVEE video series, interviews, and fireside chats, as well as new and current thoughts originally recorded for this audio experience. Gary inspires SME owners to do what they are passionate about and live it out.
A bit of optimism
Simon Sinek’s podcast “a bit of optimism” is where he speaks to people who inspire him about love, life, leadership, and silver linings. The discussions are intended to leave you with a bit of optimism after each session. Definitely worth a listen.
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